Graduate Award Opportunity – Spring 2021

Center for Landscape Dynamics Spring 2021 CLD Graduate Research Award

The Center for Landscape Dynamics at The Pennsylvania State University is seeking to support innovative activities by graduate students in landscape dynamics. Thematic areas of interest include projects that address spatial and temporal dynamics of landscape change, with consideration of ecological and/or social factors. Anticipated support of $500-$750 can be used to support social or environmental research relevant to landscape-scale decision-making (for example, University authorized travel, laboratory fees, survey analysis, software), and/or related impact activities (for example, conference participation, outreach, workshops.

Awardees will be expected to present their work to the CLD community and share information about the project on the CLD website.

Eligibility: Proposals will be accepted from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. Proposals will be accepted for non-EMS students if students’ home departments, colleges (or research institutes) provide matching funds.

Download a printable copy: Center for Landscape Dynamics Spring 2021 Graduate Research Award

Proposal Requirements

(single-spaced, 12 pt font):

  •  Name, Email Address, Major, Campus, Project Title, Advisor
  • Project description (<500 words)
  • Application to landscape management issues and anticipation of outreach activity (<250 words)
  •  Brief letter of support from faculty advisor (emailed separately to
  •  Name of any collaborating partner(s)/agencies, if applicable
  • Timeline
  • Budget and budget justification that includes a brief description of fund expenditures

For non-EMS students:

  • Email to from person with budget authority showing match commitment
  • Justification how the research benefits EMS either via research, collaborative networks, or outreach


Proposals due by 5 p.m., Monday, March 29. All materials should be submitted to Please include “2021 CLD GRADUATE RESEARCH AWARD” in the email subject line.


Erica Smithwick, 323 Walker Building, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University, 16802;; 814-865-6693